WordPress: How to Add Shortcode from A to Z

WordPress shortcodes provide advanced website functionality without coding. Shortcodes may include videos, music files, buttons, and more. This page shows how to add shortcodes to WordPress and provides examples.

Adding a WordPress Shortcodes

You must first build the shortcode before you can add it to your WordPress website. In essence, shortcodes are tiny segments of code encased in square brackets. This is an example of a fundamental shortcode:


You may include the following code in your functions.php file to create a shortcode:

function myshortcode_function() {
return "This is my shortcode!";
add_shortcode( 'myshortcode', 'myshortcode_function' );

This code creates a new shortcode called “myshortcode” and assigns it to the function “myshortcode_function”. Whenever the shortcode [myshortcode] is used in a post or page, the function will be executed and the text “This is my shortcode!” will be displayed.

Using Shortcodes in WordPress

You may use your shortcode anywhere on your WordPress site after you’ve built it. Just insert the shortcode into a post’s or page’s content area, and WordPress will immediately replace the area with the function’s output. This is a sample post using the “myshortcode” shortcode.:


This is my shortcode! will be shown in lieu of the shortcode when the post is viewed on the front end.

Creating More Advanced WordPress Shortcodes

The simple example we gave previously is just the most basic form of a shortcode. Your shortcodes may be made more dynamic by adding parameters, and you can even use them to create unique post kinds and taxonomies.

Here is an example of how to develop a more sophisticated shortcode that enables you to show a list of articles depending on their category:

function category_posts_shortcode( $atts ) {
// Get the category ID from the shortcode attributes
$category_id = $atts['id'];


Copy code

// Get the posts in the category
$args = array(
'category' => $category_id,
'posts_per_page' => 10,
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
// Build the list of posts
$output = '';
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
$output .= '<ul>';
while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
$output .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
// Restore the main post variable
return $output;

add_shortcode( ‘category_posts’, ‘categoWordPress shortcodes provide advanced website functionality without coding. Shortcodes may include videos, music files, buttons, and more. This page shows how to add shortcodes to WordPress and provides examples.

Adding a Shortcode to WordPress

ry_posts_shortcode’ );

This code generates a brand-new “category posts” shortcode that takes an “id” argument. When the shortcode is used, a list of articles from the category with the given ID will be shown. To show a list of articles from the category with ID 2, for instance, use the shortcode [category posts id=”2″].

Why Add WordPress Shortcodes?

WordPress shortcodes let you add dynamic functionality without coding. Shortcodes let you insert reusable code in widgets, posts, pages, and custom post types.

These are several reasons to utilize WordPress shortcodes.

Save time and effort

Shortcodes allow you to easily add complex functionality to your site without having to write or copy-paste lengthy code snippets.


Shortcodes provide a consistent and standardized way to add custom functionality to your site. This helps to ensure that your site maintains a cohesive look and feel throughout.


Shortcodes can be used repeatedly throughout your site, making it easy to add the same functionality to multiple pages or posts.


Shortcodes can be easily customized by adding parameters, allowing you to create dynamic content that changes based on user input or other factors.

Plugin Compatibility

Many plugins use shortcodes to add custom functionality to your site. By learning how to use shortcodes, you can better understand how these plugins work and how to integrate them into your site.

Consistent Design and Branding

Shortcodes can help you maintain consistency in your site’s design and branding. By creating custom shortcodes that match your site’s branding and design, you can ensure that all of your content looks and feels like it belongs together.


By making it simpler for visitors with disabilities to explore and engage with your content, shortcodes may be utilized to increase the accessibility of your site. For instance, you may use a shortcode to add explanation text to a picture so that viewers with visual impairments can access it.

Dynamic Content

Shortcodes may generate dynamic information based on user input or other factors. For instance, you might create a shortcode that displays a different message based on location or time.


Shortcodes are a powerful tool for adding complex functionality to your WordPress site. By creating your own shortcodes, you can customize your site to meet your specific needs without having to write complex code. We hope this article has helped you understand how to add shortcodes to your WordPress site and provided some inspiration for how to use them.


I am a business owner who enjoys learning about website-related topics. I want to share good and new things with everyone and take part in activities that I haven't done before.

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